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“Holy God, you created us for freedom, so keep us from shackling ourselves with the chains of dysfunction. Use our Senators today to serve your purposes for this generation, making them ever mindful of their accountability to you. Lord, deliver us from governing by crisis, empowering us to be responsible stewards of your bounty, using judicious compromise for the mutual progress of all. Provide this land we love with your gracious protection, and may we never cease to be grateful for the numberless blessings we receive each day from your hands. We pray in your merciful name. Amen.”
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U.S. Agriculture Department data last month showed thelargest corn available outside of the traditional top twoproducers of Iowa and Illinois was in the northern Midwest andnorthern U.S. Plains states that were spared from some of lastsummer's worst drought conditions.

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MP: Yeah I was focusing on options to get out of it successfully rather than calamitously. But yes, I do think that但ツツ冱 a possibility. I think the failure to resolve the government funding bill and the tendency to merge the two into one big problem makes the difficulty of the whole undertaking that much higher. We don但ツツ冲 seem to be that good at solving difficult problems in this moment in our history.
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Cuba held the news conference, where it announced the draft U.N. resolution calling for an end to the embargo, at the William Soler children's heart center to emphasize that the sanctions do not discriminate between the country's political leadership and innocent people and amounts to what it calls "genocide."
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